Saturday, November 22, 2008


Once again I have been absent from here because God has not given me anything to share. Well, maybe it is that there is so much to share but I don't know how to organize it. So, we'll just start writing and see where it leads. Last time I left you with the victory God gave me while attending my uncle's funeral. Victory. Ok, that is a word that has rolled around and around in my brain this week. Let me tell you why...

It has often been said during the 18 months of my illness that I might have to "walk out my healing". In other words, believe God for it and start living my life like I really do believe it. Attending the funeral was truly walking in faith that God would provide what I needed when I needed it. And boy did He. The really cool thing is what I believe happened to me at the end of the service. During many of the hymns the congregation was asked to stand, however, I remained seated. That is, until the last hymn. Victory in Jesus. It was impossible to not stand up. I just had to! I believe God is healing me. I really do. It was almost as if I had to stand in faith knowing where my victory comes from and the healing began.

This has been the best week "physically" that I have had since the illness began. I gotta tell ya...I walked around downtown last night with 5 teenagers and my 2 little nieces. I went in some very crowded stores. I drove a car!! God and I, we did it together and we had a blast! I've been hesitant to write about feeling better and the prospect of a healing. Why? Because I am afraid that it won't last. That is satan. Ya know, it might not last but for now I need to proclaim the victory God is giving me. Life. Living it. It's great. What a joy.

And one part of life seems to be healing the other part falls apart worse than ever. Things with Don (almost former husband) are horrible. It's not been this bad throughout the entire 9 months that we've been separated. However, if God promised me beauty from ashes, He did not say it would be easy. It may take me really, really having to forgive and show God's love and mercy. Not that Don is asking for it, but I know God is. Shoot!! I'd just rather stew and be mad. Help me to pray for Don's salvation and his healing. There is victory in Jesus. I live it!!


nancygrayce said...

My heart is filled with joy at hearing your victory! For every time that you are without the dizziness, I am thankful! I'm sorry about Don and the worsening situation. I always said there was no such thing as a "nice" divorce. I pray God will turn his heart!

Unknown said...

Keep standing in your faith. The devil wants to take that from you. He wants you to doubt God. God has proven himself to you many times already. Stand on that! Amen for victory! We've already won!

UL Cards Fan said...





Pam said...

I have chills all over and I know you know I am believeing for healing with you!! All over the place!! Keep going girl!

Technonana said...

Wonderful Post, My Sister!! God is truly doing Great Things!!! Should we be surprized?? WALK by FAITH my sister... not by sight!!!

Amrita said...

Oraise God for this praise testimony.This is what is gaining higher ground is.Encouragement to me too.

I read an aeticle by Joe Beam on Heartlight devotionals. You can check out his marriage saver page

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!!!!!

oh Sheryl!!! you've been on my heart so much latey, and daily in my prayers!!!

I am soooooooooo excited to hear about the Sweet Victory HE is giving to you!!! HE is so AMAZING!!!

your post totally encouraged me too, as i also have been asked to walk out my healing...and i know how scary and difficult it can be...cause the enemy throws every lie imaginable at us right at the time we are asked to step out in Faith and believe for our Victory and healing!

I will continue to hold you up,
God is doing a MIGHTY work in you, and Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is too difficult for Him!!!

love you!!!

Tammy said...

I love what you said...God and I, we did it together and we had a blast!

Reading your post and your comment you left gives me hope for my son. You reminded me that we all have our struggles but our God is always with us.

Our praises of what is to come drives satan crazy.

Thank you for praying for my son and I will be praying for you.

Kimberly said...


What an awesome testimony of Believing God for something! You truly inspire me! Love you very much!


Jenn @ Casa de Castro said...

Victory indeed!! Praise God for His faithfulness. Thank you for sharing each step of this healing journey to remind us all that our walk with Jesus is... one step at a time.

Praising the Lord with you!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

I'm so very excited to hear you are having some victories. YEAH!!

Keep standing strong in your faith friend....and we'll continue to lift Don up in prayer.

God is the author of all things...and I'm standing in the gap for and with you!!!

Unknown said...

So happy to hear that you are feeling better physically. I will be praying for Don. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through in this area of your life, but please know I am praying for you!

Sharon said...

Yes there is victory my friend, And I'm so glad to see you writing again, I have so missed it. But keep holding on to your faith. Pray for him!! And I'll pray too. Divorce can be hard, But you have God's strength and I know you will get through this.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend, Blessings to you and your family.
Sharon :)

Paula V said...

Lovely testimony, Sheryl. I do believe you are right and that sometimes God wants to see our faith in action...He want so see us living as though we are believing whatever it is we are asking. One of my favorite posts I wrote is called "Our Faith: Master's Touch". He does ACT on our prayers and our faith. Yesterday, I thought why do I have to pray so faithfully every day for restoration like the Steinkamps proclaim on Then John Hagee said yesterday on tv that God acts on our prayers. Our prayers are what move Him to action. I do believe that. I believe He does things without our asking or without our prayers but some things He really is waiting on pray, believe, act on our faith/beliefs.

I regularly pray for you, your healing, your marriage, and for Don's salvation. I will continue to do so. I will pray for your marriage regardless of what the courts say. We know what God says.

Love and prayers,

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


You are seeing a change for the better with your health...WOW, now that is something to be thankful for this week.

I am so happy for you!

Joyfulsister said...

Praise be to God who give "YOU" the "VICTORY" through "JESUS CHRIST" our LORD!!! Give that ole devil a black eye and sing even in the fire *smile*.
I know you can't see or feel it yet, but God has plans for you, and the best is yet to come!!

Luv Ya Lorie

Courtney and the Boys said...

God Bless and keep you!!! Still praying...

Courtney in Indiana

Debra Kaye said...


I passed an award on to you today!
I am so happy for your physical being feeling so much better and I continue to pray for your marriage.

Blessings to you sweet sister.

Unknown said...

Praising God with you! I heard a song this morning, don't know who it is by, but the chorus said "I sing for my freedom" and it just resonated with me. Paul and Silas sang and were set free from chains and this just speaks volums to me in my own need of personal freedom in a particular area.
Your testimony of "standing" for your VICTORY is inspiring. Yes, there my be bad days ahead where the enemy will tell you victory is not yours...but remember the VICTOR is and He is worthy and worth it!
Thanks for inspiring me to stand up and sing for my victory!

Laura said...

My sweet friend,

Praying for you. God knows the situation better than anyone. He is there.
He is walking with you thorough this journey. You are such a example of God's love and mercy.
Thank you for being authentic and real. That is what GOD wants. To be real before him. For him to use us, we must be real and open before him.

Well I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
All of creation testifies
This life within me cries
I know my Redeemer lives

Love ya,

Nicole said...

I am so happy for you my friend! Yah for victories such as these! I know what it feels like to have victory in areas you have waited so long to have! God is so good and I praise Him today for His work in and through your life! Keep being a vessel for Him to work!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for you! You spur me on!


{darlene} said...

Your writing, and your heart for God are beautiful! Thank you also for your transparency. God uses our authentic stories, and our weaknesses, to show how great He is. I can see that in your heart!

Once or twice a year, I get vertigo. It is horrible. I cannot even lift my head. I have some nerve damage (in my voice box, actually), and ever since that happened, I will have congestion that settles in my ears, causing vertigo. Oh, I will be praying for you, with empathy, since I get brief glimpses of your suffering.

So glad to meet you in blogland!

Jennifer P. said...

So glad you found me and I found you! Those of us giving God the glory as we strive through life being "not exactly how we'd like it to be" right now need to stick together :).

I cheered for your small victory and wish you peace, patience, inspiration, and ability.

Much love,
~Jennifer P.

Susan said...

Sadie Sheryl,

I'm so thankful for you. I wanted to update you on Stacy. We collected $220 to give to Stacy and her little boy, Jaden. Thank you so much for your part in that.

Blessings and JOY!
Lila Susan