Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mom

Let me tell you a little about my mom. She was a "surprise" child born MANY years after her sisters. So for most of her years at home so was an only child. She was raised by parents who loved her dearly but her dad was an alcoholic who often chose the bottle over family. She has memories of her mom having to go and "get him" many times.

My mom placed her faith in Jesus as a young child and has never stopped growing in that faith. She received Christ's gift of salvation and she will be the first to tell you that she could not have done her life without him.

When my mom was 35 years old with 3 young children, her husband (my dad) died. He had battled leukemia for three years and God took him home on New Year's Day in 1974. So here she was alone...but NOT. She has amazing stories of God's faithfulness to our family during those times.

Within the next 4 years she would lose both her parents. So she really was alone and had to depend on her Lord like not many of us have to do.

God brought her an amazing man and they later married. (Mind you....I didn't think he was so amazing at the time. ha) They have been the best parents I could have ever asked for.

I know that once you are a mother you are always a mother. But during the past 4 years she has really had to take back on the role of "mothering" me. During my illness. Divorce. Loss. Financial hardships. Heartache. She has "mothered" me again. There are not words to describe how grateful I am.

One of her favorite verses is Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand".

My mom has walked out her faith every single day. She BELIEVES what she believes and it is evident to anyone who is blessed to know you.

Mom....I rise up and call you blessed. I love you!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Proof of His Blessings

I know that many of you are familiar with this song. But, please listen before you read my words...

Every time I hear that song the tears just flow down my face. Such truth. We pray for we think we need, what we think we want....but God in all His love and mercy sometimes answers in the completely opposite way.

Can I say that I sit here today grateful for this illness. Yes, grateful!! It is not easy, but I sure would have missed so many blessings without it.

I am grateful for the struggles of teenagers. Not that I wish heartache, pain, angst for my teens. But through it I know that they will be stronger. I KNOW it! They will be used of God in ways that others can't, simply because of their experiences.

I am grateful for the heartache of the past couple months since my relationship ended with "my man". Why am I grateful? Because God showed me who I am. The pain also forced me to be vulnerable with others in my life. I couldn't "stuff" this just kept coming out. Friendships have flourished like I never would have imagined! Most of all, God in His mercy, snatched me back out of the pit of "neediness" and showed me my true worth.

Blessings come in forms we never imagine. Through the loss of my dad as a child I was given the gift of the most amazing "second dad" ever! Through the loss of my health I was given the blessing of this blog and you. Even in the loss of my marriage I have the blessing of a good relationship with Don.

Through pain God can and does bless us. We need to be looking for His hand in it. He is always there. He is always IN IT with us.

I don't know what blessings you are praying for today. I don't know what hurts you are experiencing. But I do know.....that I have been in the fire and in the pit. And I can testify that GOD IS GOOD! All the time.

He really does bring beauty from the ashes....I am proof.