Sunday, February 21, 2016


Wrestling with God lately. That's a good thing though. It means there is communication happening between myself and the Creator of the universe!

Several friends are enduring heart-breaking circumstances. From the loss of a child, to the loss of a child as he was "before the accident", a family enduring the heartache of a divorce they didn't see coming, a teen boy who is not cherished by his family, a friend who survived a suicide attempt, the list goes on...

Many days the tears just pour down my face because the sadness and pain are too much. And there is not much that I can do to take away anyone's pain. I'm glad that my God understands my tears and hears my heart. Because when I do not have words, He prays on my behalf.

God is real! He is in control even when we wonder how on earth He is allowing such things to happen. I do believe in a perfect God whose ways I cannot fathom.

I offer up to Him my praise, my questions, my anger, my love and my trust. I do trust Him!

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.  Jeremiah 32:17