Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have officially been away from here for two months!!! That seems impossible.

I have no clue what to write. So...do you have questions for me or ideas of where I should begin?? I would appreciate any jump start that you can give me. Or....is it possible that the blog has run its course....



Laura said...

Hmmm...how was your Thanksgiving? How have you been? Seen any good movies lately? :)

Kimberly said...

Since your blog was begun to glorify God in your life, you could talk about how He is working/moving...

Love ya,

Erin said...

Hi friend!!

I agree with Kimberly. I would love to hear how God has been working in your life...specifically over the last two months!!

Please keep writing!!!

Kathleen said...

No way. You've definitely not run the blog-course! You have way too much to share, and way too many encouragements for others that have traveled a rough stretch.

Tell us about your joys for today; your dreams for tomorrow. Tell us what you see from your "perch".


Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

Two months!!? Get back in gear lady and write! About whatever! Life...God...what's new...what's not new...we just like to "hear" your voice!

Tia said...

First... Praise God if you've been away for 2 months because it means you have been able to be out and enjoying life! That doesn't mean you should leave us in the dark :) How about tell us some of your Christmas heart wishes for this year.

Reese said...

We need your voice, Sheryl. I am glad that you are doing o.k. I was wondering where you have been!


nancygrayce said...

I was about to write on your fb and ask where in the world you were! Tell us all about your guy! Curious minds you know!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I have missed you so

Mrs. G said...

I just stumbled upon "The Perch" for the first time tonight, and am so glad I did. I don't have any suggestions as to what you should write about except follow your heart and keep doing what you've done in the past. It works. I love your blog!!!

Leslie said...

I know how you feel! I've been out of the blog world for a while because I've begun graduate school. All I do is read & write for my classes, so blogging doesn't give me the same joy that it used to! But I do always end up coming back to it because it feels like the comfort of an old friend. Someone you can "talk" to when nobody else around you seems to want to listen.

Some idea suggestions: Books you've read recently; funny things your kids have said or done; plans for 2011; and, of course, God!

Blessings & Hugs, Leslie