Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear Betty

I didn't think I would ever address you through one of my posts, but I feel compelled to do that now. Your comments as "Betty, "Anonymous", "Matt White"...well they really have me scratching my head wondering. Wondering why do you care? Why do you take the time to keep reading only to leave comments that are intended to harm and not heal or encourage?

There are times that I delete your comments and those that address you. But I've chosen to stop doing that. The reason?? Well, it's good for me to remember that there are times when I am judgmental of others. There are times when I don't know the whole story and I make assumptions and jump to conclusions. It is clear that although you have mentioned before that you know really don't KNOW.

You see, none of us can know another person or their circumstances unless we have walked in their shoes. Unless we have lived their life. Nobody knows what it feels like to be me. To be off balance almost 24 hours a day. To be the mom to my 2 kids. To be pursuing my relationship with Jesus Christ. Sure, others can have similar experiences, but they are not mine.

My family. This is MY family. Well, not really. This is the family that God has entrusted me with. This is the life that God has entrusted me with. I am doing my best to seek HIM in all that I do. What would HE want for David and Ellie? What would HE want for Don? What would HE want for me?

Satan has tried to use you to distract me from the race I'm running. Don't get me wrong...I am not saying that you are evil, but satan wants to use your words for evil. I know without a doubt that God has some amazing things in store for my family. Already I am beginning to see a glimpse. You are free and welcome to comment any time that you feel impressed to do so. This is a public forum here and I will be sure to read what you have to say.

As for me, I will remember to reach out to those who are struggling. Not to judge what I have absolutely no real knowledge of. To remember that I only hear one side of things. To ask God for discernment. To use my words to heal and not harm. Will I get it right every time? Nope. But I am sure gonna try.

I am praying for God's continued healing of my family. I am asking God to get me out of the way. To help me to not be offended. To remind me that HE is my avenger and I don't have to defend myself. I hope that you would see Jesus Christ in this blog. Keep looking. This is really all about HIM and not about me at all.


Robynn's Ravings said...

Beautifully said, Sheryl, and merciful as well. We can all learn a lesson from your graciousness. May God heap his blessings on you as you cope, survive, and thrive. And I pray that Don, though I do not know him, would turn to the only one who can bring true healing and redemption and that if relationship cannot be restored, at least peace would reign. You are loved.

Diana said...

Sheryl, I assure you with great confidence that as you "turn the other cheek," not only will your view of the Lord be less obstructed, your reflection of Him becomes even clearer to the rest of us. You are a wonderful woman of God, and the Lord will meet you in your choice to lay aside those weights, and as you trust His way. Give Him your will and He will take care of your heart and your hurts. Blessings upon you and your family, in Jesus' name!

Kim in NC said...

Well said, Sheryl!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Words can hurt or heal. I would pray that those who read your blog would only pause to comment if they had healing helpful words to say. Isn't there enough hate in the world??

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh Sheryl~
Bless your sweet...sweet..heart!! God is TRULY doing an amazing thing in your heart and life. I can sense it, as I read what you wrote.

Your love, kindness, patience, are displaying the 'fruits of the spirit'....

Keep clinging to him....he's moving and working all things together...for your good!!!

-stephanie- said...

HUGS Sheryl! I learn so much from you.

KEE said...

I'm so proud of you for being able to write that and feel that way. Can't honestly say that I would.

God is certainly doing a great work in your life and family and has already used this blog to touch so many.

I'm sorry I haven't emailed you lately, it's been crazy and I have been having pity parties for myself, symptoms are back. But then I come here or think about you and I snap out of it :)

Thank you for teaching me so much about how to deal with an illness and just people in general.

You are always close in thought and prayer.

Love and Hugs

Paula V said...

What an awesome are such a humble, gracious, and loving person. This post says so much about you.

Goes to show even further why I am drawn to you and your blog.

Wonderful job at addressing this. Just wonderful.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

You have such a tender heart. I know it probably took a lot to get what you said just right... I think you did that.

Words are so powerful!

Blessings sweet friend,

Laura said...

My sister.. I am so proud of you.
No body knows the journey except the LORD and you! He is with you and beside you.
I love you!


Just a little something from Judy said...

I could have written pages and not have been able to clearly share what you just did in this post. You...are 100%right in how you responded and the kindness with which you did it. In my powder room, on a beautiful homemade needlepoint plaque it says "kindness gives birth to kindness." All of this to say, I appreciate you sharing this, even when I know it hurts to go through comments like those. You have lots of friends praying for you, and I do agree, that walking in each other's shoes is the only real way of knowing ALL that is going on.

Leslie said...

I too have learned through my own son not to judge others so harshly. When he was younger, I remember seeing teens walking down our street looking like "trouble". I would tell myself that my kids would never look like long hair, no torn or black clothing.

My oldest son is now 14 and very much into skateboarding. His hair is on the long side and he wears the typical "skater" clothing. I imagine that he looks like "trouble" to people who don't know him. But I know him. He's in church each Sunday; knows God; participates in our Youth Group and likes to attend his friend's Youth Group, too; he's an A/B student; when he's out with his friends, he calls to check in and comes home on time; and that long hair is washed daily.

I still don't always like the looks of the teens I see walking down the street, but I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. For all I know, they're good kids like my own son. I have to leave the judging to God.

Prayers and hugs to you Sheryl!

UL Cards Fan said...

I am SO blessed that God brought us together. I love you and admire your faith and strength. We will keep fighting the good fight with you. Love, Linda

Unknown said...

Absolutely, beautifully written! Your heart shines through in this post! Love you friend!

nancygrayce said...

You are so right about nobody being able to know unless they've walked in your shoes! You're so faithful to what God has called you to, I add my prayers for blessings for you and your family!

And, thanks for the birthday wishes! Through trouble and tragedy, my life has been blessed and I'm much more understanding of others!!

His Girl said...

well said.

Jennifer said...


Tea with Tiffany said...


Sorry to know you've had this experience. I see you are using it to shape your heart. :) Good going.

Unknown said...

Just came across your blog...I'm new to blogging and it is so discouraging to hear that someone would be so cruel as to leave you mean or hurtful comments. You did a beautiful job of addressing it, and clearly you are the bigger person!

:) T

Angela Baylis said...

You know, Sheryl, someone said some mean things on my blog and I'd love to say it didn't affect me, but I have to admit that even though it was months ago, it still bothers me. It changed my attitude towards blogging. I haven't thought about this for awhile. It's just different these days. You are such a sweet girl and I'm sorry you've been hurt! You are in my prayers!!
Angie xoxo